Head Mount Milling Machine Guard - Available in Standard or Interlocked Versions
Part Numbers:
There are 2 bolt patterns for this head-mounted milling machine chip guards to choose from - refer to the gallery image for measuring.
MG-2 - Standard Model, no interlock. 2.5" - 2.75" SQUARE Bolt Pattern (Fits Bridgeport and most import copies such as JET, Sharp). $690.00
MG-2T - Standard Model, no interlock. 3.0 x 3.5" RECTANGULAR Bolt Pattern (Fits some TRAK and other machines, not as common) $690.00
Safety Switch Option 1 Add " -SK1 " to the end of part number (ie. MG-2-SK1) - Interlocked Model. Magnetically Actuated Safety Interlock Switch. Dual Voltage 120VAC / 24VDC. $875.00
Safety Switch Option 2 Add " -SK2 " to the end of part number (ie. MG-2-SK2) - Interlocked Model. 24V DC Power Supply Required, RFID Style Safety Interlock Switch $875.00