Safety Interlock Switch RETROFIT Kit with Mounting Brackets & Hardware for ATS Machine Guards. Options for ATS Milling, Drill & Hinged Lathe Guards
Need to add an interlock safety switch to one of your existing ATS machine guards? Check out our options below.
Part Numbers:
SK1 - Interlock safety switch Retrofit for ATS Milling Machine or Drill Guards. Fits Part #'s DPG-1, DPG-2 and MG-x series. Magnetically Actuated Safety Interlock Switch. Dual Voltage 120VAC / 24VDC
SK1-TR - Interlock safety switch Retrofit for Part #'s LG-TRx series stock lathe guards. Magnetically Actuated Safety Interlock Switch. Dual Voltage 120VAC / 24VDC
SK1-L - Interlock safety switch Retrofit for custom hinged Lathe Guards. Fits P/N's LGH & LGH-1. Magnetically Actuated Safety Interlock Switch. Dual Voltage 120VAC / 24VDC
SK2 - Interlock safety switch Retrofit for ATS Milling Machine or Drill Guards. Fits Part #'s DPG-1, DPG-2 and MG-x series. RFID Style Safety Interlock Switch. 24VDC Only
SK2-TR - Interlock safety switch Retrofit for Part #'s LG-TRx series stock lathe guards. RFID Style Safety Interlock Switch. 24VDC Only
SK2-L - Interlock safety switch Retrofit for custom hinged Lathe Guards. Fits P/N's LGH & LGH-1. RFID Style Safety Interlock Switch. 24VDC Only
- The part numbers are to add a machine safety interlock to an existing ATS machine guard. Select from the menu. All necessary installation brackets and hardware are included.
- Choose from 2 styles of safety switches: Magnetically Actuated Safety Interlock Switch. Dual Voltage 120VAC/ 24VDC, 2 Amp Safety Switch, or RFID Style Safety Interlock Switch. 24VDC Only
Please note: These safety switches for machines are rated to only 2 amps/single phase and require some form of motor control to adapt to your 3-phase machine.